
Adding Decimals

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What is Decimal Addition?

Decimal addition is adding numbers that have a decimal point.

Just like positive integers, decimals are added by aligning them by place value.

Steps to Add Decimals

  1. Align the Decimal Points: Write the numbers one under the other so that their decimal points line up. (This is equivalent to aligning the numbers by place value.)
  2. Fill in Empty Spaces with Zeros: If the numbers have different decimal lengths, fill the shorter number with zeros to the right of the last decimal digit. (Why can we put in extra zeros?)
  3. Add from Right to Left: Start adding from the rightmost digit (just like whole numbers). If the sum of a column is 10 or more, carry over to the next column on the left.
  4. Place the Decimal Point in the Answer: The decimal point in the answer should be directly below the other decimal points.

Example 1

Let's add 2.14 and 5.7

Example 2

Let's add 0.8 and 3.46

Tips for Success

  • Always align the decimal points.
  • Remember to carry over if a column sums to 10 or more.
  • Practice regularly to get comfortable with adding decimals. 

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Category: Math Knowledge
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Want to practice adding decimals? Contact us for a free consultation today!